The Lens Correction filter allows you to correct optical distortions and adjust the perspective of an image.
Distortion (-100..100). The parameter straightens lines that are concave or convex relative to the center of the image.

Vertical Perspective (-100..100). It's a perspective correction that makes slanted vertical lines appear parallel.
Horizontal Perspective (-100..100). It's a perspective correction that makes slanted horizontal lines appear parallel.

Vertical Shift (-100..100). The parameter allows you to move the image up or down.
Horizontal Shift (-100..100). The parameter allows you to move the image left or right.
Scale (50-150). The parameter changes the image scale; it's used to hide transparent areas at the edges of the adjusted image.
Angle (-180..180). Sets the image rotation angle and can be used to correct a tilted horizon.
Click Default to restore the original settings.
Click OK to apply the changes to the image and close the effect dialog box.
Click Cancel to close the dialog box without applying changes.