The Teeth Whitening tool allows you to improve the color of the teeth, make them whiter, and remove dark plaque. A white smile symbolizes health and enhances any portrait.

The tool settings are shown in the Tool Options panel above the Image Window. To display the list of the parameters, click the tool icon in the Tool Options panel or press the F5 key. You can also open the parameters of the tool in the floating dialog by right-clicking in the image. To specify the parameter settings, enter a numerical value in the parameter’s field or use the slider.
Size (20-200). The size of the tool.
Smoothing (0-10). The softness of the tool’s edge.
Tolerance (0-100). Sensitivity of the tool: the higher the value, the more areas are changed.
Strength (10-100). The strength of the effect.
Click the Default button to reset to the default settings.